Andrew W. Spears came to Arkansas from Florida about 1886 and was admitted to practice before the state supreme court on July 23, 1906. He was listed in city directories until 1925. In 1910, he had been married to Minnie for six years and they had two children (Rosa M. and Inez Verna). By the 1920 Census, Spears was married to Roena and there were two additional children (Joseph and Andrew). He died on June 29, 1925. Nothing else is known about him.

Sources: Judith Kilpatrick, “(EXTRA)Ordinary Men: African-American Lawyers and Civil Rights in Arkansas Before 1950,” 53 Ark. Law Rev. 299, 347 n350, 374, 380 n 626, 394 (2000); AR Supreme Court Admission Records;